Rules 2024 Rules for Freedom Motorsports Park ALL UPDATES ARE IN RED SUPER LATE MODELS Close Racing Supply Econo/pro mods Econo mod Pro mod Mini Stocks Rules for Front Wheel Drive Bandit class General safety rules No traction control devices (electrical or mechanical) are allowed in any race division competing at Freedom Motorsports Park. Penalty for the use of any traction control device will be the loss of all points, point fund money and race event money. The car will be impounded, if necessary, and the driver and owner will be fined $5,000.00 each and suspended from the pit area and any competition at Freedom Speedway for five (5) years Rules of Conduct and Procedures RULES OF PROCEDURE (A) A-1 The car owner and/or driver shall be responsible for the actions of his pit crew and family while at Freedom Motorsports Park. In addition, each crew member is equally responsible for their own actions. A-2 The driver and one other designated member shall be the only spokespersons for their particular car and crew. (POLICY – the driver or designated member will not both speak on the same issue at the same time.) A-3 NO DRIVER/CREW MEMBER/SPECTATOR shall enter the tower or approach the starter’s stand for the purpose of lodging a complaint or disputing a decision. This may result in a fine not to exceed $100 and/or disqualification or suspension. A-4 All decisions by the officials at the track involving race procedures and tech are final. Videotapes are not admissible as evidence for protests. A-5 Physical or verbal abuse of any official or un-sportsman like conduct by a driver, owner, or crew member may result in the driver and/or person being disqualified, suspended, and/or fined. A-6 ANYONE taking physical action against an individual or personal property, for any reason, may be fined a minimum of $100 and suspended for two weeks. If the owner, the suspension includes the owner’s car. Suspension and fine may be extended at the discretion of Race Director and/or Promoter. A-7 No driver or pit crewmember shall drink intoxicants or use narcotics during any race meet. Any driver or pit crew member who arrives at an event and, in the opinion of the Promoter, Race director, Tech Inspector, Pit Steward or any Freedom Motorsports Park Official, is under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics will be denied participation in the event and forfeit any entrance fee paid. No open alcohol containers will be allowed in the pits until the race program is complete. A-8 Anyone deliberately disobeying an order of any official may be subject to a fine and/or suspended. The car he/she is connected with will not be allowed to participate in future events until fine (not to exceed $100) is paid. Said car is also subjected to loss of points. A-9 No excessive speeding will be allowed in the pit area or infield. A-10 Any driver, while racing, who commits unnecessary contact, harassment, or uses any driving tactic, whether intentional or not, that is considered dangerous by the Promoter, Race director, Tech Inspector, Pit Steward or any Freedom Motorsports Official, will be deemed to be Rough Riding. The driver may be fined, suspended and/or disqualified. Fined driver will not be allowed to compete until the fine is paid. A-11 Only safety crews and wrecker crews will be allowed on the track in the event of any accident. At no time will any of the driver’s crew be allowed on the track. ALSO SEE A-42 A-12 Repairs may be made to cars without tools under red flag situations without losing position. If a car pulls off the track for any reason, this car must restart in scratch position. A-13 Each car will start each event on his/her own power or will go to the rear. A-14 All cars must take the green flag of the feature to be eligible for payoff. Note: Cars must take the green flag to be allowed to compete in that race. A-15 All drivers must be ready to compete and have their cars in line before each event enters the track or could be sent to the rear at the discretion of Freedom Motorsports Park Officials A-16 The Starter and Race Director have complete charge of the track while racing. No protest allowed on Starter’s/Race Director’s decision. A-17 On caution or red flag, any car going to the infield or pit area must return to the rear of the field. ALSO SEE A-42 A-18 If there is an accident before the first lap is official, the field will be completely restarted with the car or cars bringing out the caution going to the rear of the field. A-19 The yellow flag signifies caution and the caution flag will be given to the first car passing the starter. After the yellow flag is displayed, cars must hold their position until either the green flag is again displayed or the red flag, which would automatically stop the race. ALSO SEE A-42 A-20 When caution is displayed, the lap last completed before the caution will be counted. A-21 A RED FLAG signifies an emergency situation, all cars must STOP IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT EXIT your car or track unless directed by Freedom Motorsports Park Officials or under an emergency situation. DO NOT move your car until the red light is turned off, or unless directed by Freedom Motorsports Park Officials. After the emergency is stabilized the YELLOW light will come out allowing cars that want to pit to enter the pits to work on their cars. All other cars MUST remain stopped. DISQUALIFICATION WILL RESULT FOR MOVING UNDER THE RED FLAG. All cars that are involved in a caution flag and are stopped on the track AT THE TIME the caution/red appears will be sent to the rear, regardless if contact was made. If the yellow was already displayed BEFORE a car stops, that car will retain its position. If a driver attempts to plow through an incident, the driver will be black-flagged. If a driver has clearly driven away from an incident BEFORE the yellow flag is displayed, the driver will retain his position. ALSO SEE A-42 Cars sent to the rear for stopping and cars pitting and returning to the track restart in the order that they return to the field, behind lapped cars sent to the rear. At the Race Director’s discretion on a caution involving a large number of cars, the caution cars may be realigned by the order in which they were last scored followed by pitting cars in the order they return to the track. For a complete restart, caution cars will go to the rear in their original starting order, followed by pitting cars in the order they return to the track. This rule applies once the green flag has been displayed. A-22 Any car involved in or spins to avoid an accident where the yellow flag is displayed must pick up position in the field wherever they fall in. All others must maintain position. A-23 Any passing under caution will be penalized two positions for each car passed. When the caution flag flies, cars will fall into single file. A-24 All restarts will be double file until the halfway point or three cautions. From that moment on, single file. A-25 Any driver guilty of violating any of the flag or light rules will be penalized at the discretion of the Starter/Race Director. A-26 Once the field of cars is lined up and the starter signals the drivers to be ready, preliminary laps may be set at the discretion of the officials. During the preliminary laps, if a car does not maintain its designated positions in the starting field, the car may be repositioned at their discretion. A-27 The race begins at the commencement of pace laps, but scoring and official distance begins when the green flag is displayed. A-28 When given the black flag, the driver has one lap to pull off the track. The car will be scored for only one lap after it is given the black flag. A-29 Any driver causing excessive delays in a race, such as spinning out TWO times on his/her own will be disqualified. This will be decided at the discretion of Race Officials. A-30 Any drivers caught jumping before the green flag is displayed will be set back two cars for every car passed prior to the race start. A-31 Any driver new to a division will be under a probationary period. A-32 All cars should be neatly painted and carry numbers at least 18” high on both doors, roof, and rear back and 8” numbers on front. Drivers name should be 4” high on both doors. A-33 ****One way radios are mandatory for all classes. The frequency number is: 467.3625.**** A-34 When a car is started in the pit area it is recommended that the driver wear his driving suit, seat belt and harness, and helmet properly fastened. When a car is started on the track, such equipment usage is mandatory. A-35 A Pit Pass (Wristband) is issued to one person and is non-transferable. Anyone found in the pits without a wristband will get one “get out of jail pass”. They must be able to prove they paid the pit entrance fee. If they can’t prove it, they must pay the fee again. Next time caught without a band they will be suspended for the remainder of that race and the next one. Also, the car they are affiliated with may also be penalized. The only exception to this rule is for driver’s who believe it is not safe to wear while driving. They can remove it but must keep it on them at all times and produce it if a Freedom Motorsports Park Official/Employee asks to see it. A-36 If a race for a class needs to be postponed for any reason (other than weather), it will be rescheduled to a later date. That date is to be determined by Freedom Motorsports Park Promoter/Officials and posted with-in 48 hrs of the postponed event on the website. No pit admission fees will be refunded. DO NOT ASK. A-37 In the case of a rain out-if all heats have been run, the event is considered complete. No rain checks will be given. This is at the discretion of the Promoter/Officials and is subject at any time to change. A-38 Director of tech reserves the right to request body sheet metal to be replaced and painted should it get beaten out too badly. A-39 All vehicles shall have an ignition switch, which is easily accessible within the driver’s compartment. The ignition switch should be labeled ON/OFF with a bright color. A-40 The fuel shut off valve shall be labeled ON/OFF with a bright color and mounted to the right side of the driver. A-41 Two throttle return springs and steel toe loop in gas pedal is recommended. A-42 RED FLAG. (SEE A-25) NO CREW OR FAMILY MEMBERS ALLOWED ON TRACK UNLESS ALLOWED BY A FREEDOM MOTORSPORTS PARK OFFICIAL. PENALTIES TO BE DETERMINED BY RACE DIRECTOR. A-43 20 LAPS (Depending on Division) OR 20 MINUTES PER FEATURE. ON A RED FLAG THE CLOCK WILL STOP TILL THE RACE RESUMES. A-44 PROMOTER OR RACE DIRECTOR CAN ADD OR DECREASE HEAT OR FEATURE LAPS AT ANYTIME WITHOUT POSTED NOTICE. A-45 ANYONE WHO REFUSES TECH WILL BE DISQUALIFIED AND WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY POINTS OR MONEY. YOU WILL ALSO BE REQUIRED TO TECH BEFORE YOU RACE AT FREEDOM MOTORSPORTS PARK AGAIN. A-46 All trucks and trailers are subject to inspection entering or while on the Freedom Motorsports Park property. A-47 No “General Admission” ticket holders will be allowed in the pits until the race program is complete. A-48 NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 12 IS PERMITTED IN THE PIT AREA. The officials and/or management reserve the right to stop sale of tickets or honoring passes to any one in violation of the rules contained in this rulebook. Penalties will be assessed per completed race program HANDICAPPING (B) 1) A car number will be reserved when car is registered for the Freedom Motorsports Park season. Whenever possible, requested numbers will be assigned, but the handicapper reserves the right to issue numbers in order to prevent duplications. 2) All numbers will be limited to 1, 2, or 3 digits. If 3 digits are used, two shall be primary numbers. 3) If numbers 3, 6, or 9 are used, make sure they are distinguishable. Do not let nerf bars block visibility. 4) Car and driver must be qualified except for guaranteed starters. In the event the car or the driver qualified is unable to compete, the driver may use another car but must start in the scratch position. 5) All driver changes must be recorded to the Pit Steward/Head Scorer. All drivers that change cars must go to the rear (driver’s responsibility). 6) On postponed events, the car is qualified. 7) No car can compete in two (2) classes on a sanctioned event, unless approved by the Race Director or Promoter. 8) A driver can compete in more than 1 class on a sanctioned event, but must be approved by the Race Director or Promoter. There will be a $25.00 fee for each additional class entered. (Pit entry fee includes 1 class) 9) Freedom Motorsports Park uses the ” Draw – Redraw” format. All drivers will randomly pull a number to designate starting positions for the qualifing heat(s). 10) Driver and car must report to the Pit Steward by the time the draw closes or they will start scratch in the last qualifing heat for that class. 11) The number of cars to be qualified in each heat will be decided by Freedom Motorsports Park Officials and announced before the first heat for each division. 12) The number of cars that qualify for the Feature and Redraw will be posted on the Pit Board prior to the start of the heat races. 13) It is the drivers responsibility to be at the Pit Shack in a timely manner for the Redraw. The Pit Steward will call all drivers that have qualified for the Redraw to the Pit Shack after the final qualifing heat race for that division. If the driver is not present for Redraw a random number will be selected for that driver. 14) It is the driver’s responsibility to read the pit notes each week. The notes are posted at the pit board each week along with the order of events. POINTS AWARDED (C) Track points will be awarded for all events, unless sanctioned event is by invitation or otherwise stated. The number of cars in the heats, consolation and feature events are determined by Freedom Motorsports Park Officials. Track points will be awarded to car owner (Car Number). Race teams are eligible for “end of the year” awards. (total places per class that will receive awards, will be determined at the end of the season). Starting in 2019, the driver swap and or car swap rule is as follows: A driver can drive another car other than his current car with his number applied, OR a driver can have a substitute driver run his team’s car, but it will not be both a different car and driver together! A substitute driver can only be used once a year in a teams own car. THE DRIVER SWAP RULE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO BE USED BY A TEAM OR DRIVER IF THE DRIVER IS ATTENDING A RACE AT A DIFFERENT TRACK ON THE SAME EVENING OF SAID RACE EVENT. After qualifying, if there is a driver swap(due to crash or mechanical failure) ,the driver in a substitute car must start tail in feature. If the car is not qualified, it must run a consi. Point funds will be awarded to the owner of the race team. Point fund money will be awarded at Banquet or Opening Day of the following season. Heat – 12 points will be awarded to the winner of a heat race with each diminishing position earning one less point than the one ahead. B-Main – 10 points will be awarded to any car that starts a B-Main and does not transfer to the A-Main Points are official when posted on the track webpage. Points are posted within 48 hours after completion of a race. If there is a mistake, the owner and/or driver has five (5) days from the posting to protest. Heat Points Feature Points 1) 12 1) 60 2) 11 2) 56 3) 10 3) 52 4) 9 4) 50 5) 8 5) 48 6) 7 6) 46 7) 6 7) 44 8) 5 8) 42 9) 4 9) 40 10) 3 10) 38 11) 36 12) 34 13) 32 14) 30 15) 28 16) 27 17) 26 18) 25 19) 24 20) 23 GENERAL (D) THESE RULES ARE THE CURRENT RULES AND SUPERSEDE ANY RULES FROM THE PAST. ALL DECISIONS BY THE OFFICIALS AT THE TRACK INVOLVING RACE PROCEDURES ARE FINAL. ALL DECISIONS BY TECH OFFICIALS INVOLVING RULES, RULE CLARIFICATION, DISQUALIFICATIONS, AND ETC. ARE FINAL. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DRIVER AND PIT CREW TO READ AND UNDERSTAND ANY PIT NOTES FOR EACH WEEK. THESE NOTES ARE EITHER POSTED ON THE PIT BOARD, HANDED OUT AS A PIT ADDENDUM SHEET OR STATED IN THE WEEKLY DRIVERS MEETING. ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ANY OF THE RULES WILL BE HANDLED THE FOLLOWING WEEK DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS. FREEDOM MOTORSPORTS PARK RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE OR ALTER ANY RULE OR PROCEDURE AS DEEMED NECESSARY.